Cat Behaviour: Is Your Cat Snoring?

by Paws on Your Heart on January 19, 2014

_MG_9598 - TinahAre you ever sitting in your quiet home and suddenly hear a strange noise… that you find is coming from your sleeping cat? Could it be that your cat is in such a deep sleep that he’s snoring? Yes, it’s true… cats snore and it’s usually a completely normal behaviour.

In fact, many cats will fall into such a deep sleep that they will begin snoring because they are in such a deep relaxation. This is especially true for flat-faced breeds of felines. In addition to deep sleeping cats, overweight cats may be more prone to snoring, especially if they have fat located around their neck. In these two circumstances, besides maybe putting your overweight feline friend on a diet (if you’re concerned about his or her weight), then snoring is just a natural kitty behaviour.

When is cat snoring a cause for concern?

You should only be concerned about cat snoring if your feline friend has a runny nose, is sneezing, or he breathes extremely loud while he is awake. This could be a sign of an allergy, illness, or a growth inside of kitty’s nose. Learn more about these types of cat snoring symptoms here:

If your cat’s snoring is causing you concern, especially if his snoring is so loud that it wakes you up at night, you may want to bring him to the Vet to get a check up to make sure that he’s healthy. As we said earlier, usually snoring is a not a problematic cat behaviour, however, it is better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to our beloved feline friends.

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