Cat Behaviour: Why Do Cats Chatter Their Teeth At Birds?

by Paws on Your Heart on December 30, 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADoes your cat love to watch the neighbourhood birds from the window? Does she become excited and begin chattering her teeth or cackling at the birds? Have you ever wondered what causes this cat behaviour?

This cat behaviour actually has a simple explanation. Your cat is just using her natural instincts, and she is practicing capturing and killing the birds (yes, it’s a bit morbid). The scientific name for this cat behaviour is “vacuum activity”, which means that your cat is practicing what she would do if she had that bird in her mouth…

Besides practicing this natural instinct, some cats will simply show their excitement while bird-watching by pawing at the window, twitching their tail, walking back and forth in the windowsill, and puffing up their tail.

Although the explanation for your cat’s interest in chattering her teeth at the birds is a bit graphic, it’s still an interesting and easy to understand reason for this cat behaviour…  and now you know.

Does your cat love bird-watching? What does your cat do to show his or her excitement about the birds outside? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Genevieve M December 31, 2013 at 11:55 AM

My cat does this to reflections on the ceiling or walls, like when sunlight bounces off a mirror.


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