Don’t you wish that you could go to your local theatre and not only be entertained by the feature film… but also by a resident feline? For the lucky people of Melbourne, Australia, this dream was a reality for over 20 years thanks to Marzipan the cat!
The Astor Theatre in Melbourne was home to an adorable tortoiseshell feline named Marzipan from 1992-2013. Marzipan the cat was found when she was a kitten. She was hiding underneath a truck right outside of the theatre. Because the theatre had been home to resident cats in the past, it was an easy decision to make the theatre this homeless kitten’s new home.
Marzipan quickly felt at home in the theatre. She loved wandering up and down the stairs in hope that moviegoers passing by would lavish her with pets and treats. Marzipan was known to wander into the theatre during film screenings. She liked to walk on the top of the theatre seats and on moviegoers’ laps. She was even known to startle patrons who were watching scary movies. Want to see some of Marzipan the cat’s favourite spots in the theatre? Check out an Astor Theatre blog post about her HERE.
Marzipan the cat quickly became a local celebrity and eventually the unofficial theatre mascot. People loved her so much that they would send her postcards from far and wide. She even had her own Facebook page!
Although Marzipan passed away in March of 2013, she will always be loved and remembered by the theatre and it’s patrons.
Is there a famous feline you’d like to see featured in one of our Famous Friday posts?
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The Astor now has a new resident cat! Duke is a rescue cat, and is looking forward to seeing lots of movies, especially those featuring John Wayne, after whom he was named.