New Year’s Resolutions for Your Cat

by Paws on Your Heart on January 15, 2016

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s mid-January, 2016 and you’ve probably made some important New Year’s Resolutions for your own life:  things like losing weight, getting a better job or spending more time with family.  But, have you thought about any New Year’s Resolutions related to your Cat?

The point of New Year’s Resolutions is to focus your energy in a productive direction.  So, what could be more productive than improving your relationship with your very special feline friend?


You might have all kinds of ideas for Cat-Related New Year’s Resolutions, but, if you don’t here are a few ideas:


There is absolutely nothing that will make your cat happier than spending quality time with her.  Our days are so filled with important demands that often special time with our kitties gets overlooked. Take a close accounting of a regular week and see just how much time you actually spend focusing specifically on your cat.  This is not time where you might be watching TV and your cat is somewhere in the room, for example.  A better cat-focused example would be watching TV with your cat in your lap getting a full and loving pet from you.

Keep in mind that all cats are different and have special things that make them happiest.  Some cats love to play with you; others prefer to curl up on your lap or beside you on the bed; others still want to work happily beside you, with a pause in your work every now and then for a good pet.  Why not try various things discovering just what gives your cat the greatest pleasure?


Like all relationships in your life your cat’s and your relationship will evolve over time. One of the greatest joys in your life is your kitty relationship, so why not get to know her even better?  You might ask: “How do I do that”?

Here are a few simple tips:

  • learn the power of observation – taking time to just watch and listen to your cat can reveal any of a number of things about her.  If someone asked you right now, how well could you detail your cat’s colourings, movements, and sounds? Be as specific as possible. I once did an activity in school where the teacher asked us to detail our trip home each day, and it was amazing how many of us missed very important details in our descriptions. Observing your cat can be a lot of fun as you get to know her better.
  • try new things – You’ll never know if your cat likes something new until you try it.  This week test out a new game (eg. rope, ball, paper bag, laser), a new type of food (eg. shredded, pate, chunked or gravy wet food), or a new sleeping item (eg. newspaper, soft blanket, cardboard, or circle ring).  You may be amazed at how quickly they enjoy a new approach.  We once bought an expensive sleeping ring only to have our kitty rush to the packing paper instead.  The paper won!  It still sits on the floor in the dining room well loved by our POYH Spokescat Noodle.

2016 can be a wonderful year for you and your cat.  By creating Cat-Related New Year’s Resolutions that are fun and inspiring you can spend even more quality time with your kitty making you both happier!


If you’ve created any Cat-Related New Year’s Resolutions please share them with us in the Comments section.




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