Famous Friday: Salem Saberhagen

by Paws on Your Heart on February 1, 2013

Salem Saberhagen is a fictional talking black cat from the popular 90s television show, novel, and comic book series, Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Salem is a warlock who was sentenced to live 100 years as a cat because he used his magical powers to try to take over the world (a very cat-like thing to do).

Salem is forced to take residence in the Spellman home with Sabrina and her aunts Hilda and Zelda. Salem easily became a favourite character in the series thanks to his charming personality and his crazy antics. Not only does Salem display human characteristics such as witty remarks, and a fascination with money and the internet, he also portrays extremely cat-like characteristics such as his love for fish, yarn, and chasing toys.

Along with several animatronic puppets, the television series employed 4 black cats to play the role of Salem: Elvis, Lucy, Salem and Witch.

Salem’s unique personality, and his cat-like characteristics are why he is this week’s famous feline. To learn more about Salem, check out his very own page on the Sabrina the Teenage Witch Wiki HERE.

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